Posted by Custom Botanical Dispensary and 1937 Apothecary on May 22nd 2020

5 Easy Short Term Goals for Healthy and Happy Life

happy-woman-blog.jpegWe all want to be happy, and healthy. Usually when we use the word "secret sauce", we mean some essential ingredients for a well-lived life. You might need to create short term 5 easy goals like:

1-Do a 24-hour internet detox

How long can you last without checking your notifications? There’s no denying that we exist in a digital world. Everything, from our banking to our social lives, exists in our phones, computers and tablets. We use it to communicate, to play, to listen, and for entertainment. The reality is that almost everyone can benefit from disconnecting, even for a day. Studies show that overusing technology is bad for your sleep, your relationships, your productivity, and your self-esteem.

2-Explore Something New Every Day

Have a sense of adventure and be spontaneous! Or perhaps there’s a hobby you haven’t had time to pay much attention or maybe you want to learn how to ride a bike or you suddenly have an urge building a tiny house. The options are limitless.

3-Take your Vitamin C and B12

Per WebMD Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin. It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as the proper functioning of your nervous system. And benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. One surprising fact about vitamin C is that it can help your body when under stress, whether that is physical or emotional. One study showed that vitamin C was helpful in reducing stress hormones in mice, which means it could help human bodies cope with the harmful effects of physical and emotional stressors.


4-Practice 5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is the opposite of being "mind full," and it’s a practice that can greatly reduce stress and promote calm. Starting with an extremely brief guided meditation could be the gateway to a deeper, more involved practice and it will lead you to Calmer, Happier You.

Our bodies are incredibly complex beings made up of many systems that interact with each other to keep us alive and well.

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